Lorraine Vella

Head Capital Markets Supervision

Lorraine Vella was appointed Head of the newly established Capital Markets Supervision function on 1 May 2022. Lorraine, a certified public accountant, joined the MFSA in 2000 and has worked in a number of areas within the organisation, gaining extensive knowledge in regulation, supervision and enforcement in the financial markets sphere. Having more than 15 years of experience in capital markets, throughout her career she was also directly involved in the transposition and implementation of various EU legislation, including the Prospectus Directive, Transparency Directive, Shareholders Rights Directive and Takeover Bids Directive. Lorraine has represented the MFSA within various Committees of the European Supervisory Authorities and is currently actively involved in European Network Groups related to supervision in financial services. She is also an alternate member on the Board of Supervisors of the European Securities and Markets Authority.



09:00, 24 March:
Session title


15:05, 24 March:
Moderator – Session title