Ian Deguara

Information and Data Protection Commissioner

Mr Deguara was appointed as Information and Data Protection Commissioner in December 2020 after spending a career, spanning over more than 18 years, in the field of data protection. He was one of the first employees to join the data protection authority after successfully completing my studies at the University of Malta, where he have obtained a degree in information technology and also in management. During these years, he occupied various roles within the authority and acquired a level of expertise both in the area of the protection of personal data and freedom of information.


Following the coming into force of the GDPR in May 2016, he formed part of the national taskforce set up with the mandate to prepare the necessary legal instruments to implement the new framework in Malta. He delivered various information sessions and participated as a key speaker in a number of conferences which were organised to raise awareness on the reformed data protection package.


8 March: 14:00 – 14:50
Breakout Session 1

Managing GDPR and Regulatory Compliance