Nathan Fenech

Deputy Head, Capital Markets Supervision

Nathan is the Deputy Head of the Capital Markets Supervision function at the Malta Financial Services Authority (‘MFSA’). He had joined the MFSA in 2010 where he has been primarily involved in any policy and supervisory work in relation to Secondary Markets and Post-Trading market infrastructures. Nathan also Chairs the DLT Working Group at the European Securities and Markets Authority (‘ESMA’). Additionally, at ESMA level Nathan is an active member of various Committees and Working Groups such as the Markets Standing Committee, the Post-Trading Working Group, the Senior Supervisory Forum, and also holds a College seat at the Third Country CCP Supervisory College. In the past, Nathan co-chaired on the EMIR REFIT and EMIR 2.2 dossiers during the Maltese Presidency at the Council of the EU, but has also actively followed discussions on the DLT Pilot Regime, CSDR Refit package, MiFIR Review and EMIR Refit (2023) as the expert for Malta at working party stages. Nathan is also a part-time visiting lecturer at the University of Malta and holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Degree) in Banking and Finance (Melit.) and a Scientific Masters in Finance (Leic.).


09:00, 24 March:
Session title


15:05, 24 March:
Moderator – Session title